Reactions / Command Replies

Discord.Short offers a lot of cool things you can do with reactions

When you make a command, you can get the output / reply by running a function, lets start off by creating a giveaway command:

new ds.Command({
    name: 'giveaway',
    async execute({send}) {

we can get the "Hello!" message by running this function:

new ds.Command({
    name: 'giveaway',
    async execute({send}) {
        let hello = await ds.getNextReply(); // here!

now we have a message object of the reply, although this is not how we are going to make the command, lets react with a party popper

new ds.Command({
    name: 'giveaway',
    async execute({send}) {
        let hello = await ds.getNextReply();

When we run the !giveaway command, we will get this:

This is cool, but we want something to actually happen when we react to the message, so lets run this function

new ds.Command({
    name: 'giveaway',
    async execute({send}) {
        let hello = await ds.getNextReply();
        // here!
        ds.reactEvent(hello, '🎉', function({arguments}) {
            // args

where the function says arguments you can add any of these:

  • user - the person who reacted

  • channel - the channel the message that was reacted to was in

  • message - the message that was reacted to

  • send() - send a message in the channel where the reaction was

so lets make it send a message whenever someone reacts:

new ds.Command({
    name: 'giveaway',
    async execute({send}) {
        let hello = await ds.getNextReply();
        ds.reactEvent(hello, '🎉', function({send, user}) {
            send(`${user.username} reacted with 🎉`); // here!

now when we run the command and react, it should look like this:

then, we can make the giveaway work. I have a simple premade example, so ill just show it here:

new ds.Command({
    name: 'giveaway',
    async execute({send, author, args}) {
        send(new MessageEmbed({
            title: '🎉 Giveaway!',
            description: `<@${}> is giving away **${args[0]}**`,
            footer: {
                text: 'to enter, react to this message with 🎉'
            color: 'BLUE'
        let players = [];
        ds.reactEvent(await ds.getNextReply(), '🎉', function({user}) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            let rng = Math.floor(Math.random() * (players.length - 1));
            send(`Congrats! 🎉\n> <@${players[rng].id}> won **${args[0]}**`);
        }, Number(args[1]) * 1000);

now if we run, !giveaway example 10 it will create a giveaway for "example" and will end in 10 seconds

after the giveaway, it will look something like this:

Similarly to ds.reactEvent(); you can see when someone un-reacts, it has the same syntax:

ds.unreactEvent(await ds.getNextReply(), '🎉', function({arguments}) {
    // args

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